Today I'm Listening To: Josef Salavat.
Yet another wonderful discovery on Spotify, which is why Spotify is really growing on me as it suggests music you will love. That aside, I found Josef Salavat the other day when listening to music.
If I had to attempt to describe him, I would say perhaps a happy version of James Blake. Unfortunately he hasn't gotten much out at the minute but I'm most definitely looking forward to hearing more of his music and anticipate him being featured on a lot of soundtracks for some reason.
I'm going to share two videos because I really love both of these songs. The first being 'Hustler' which is a serious enough melody with wonderful beats supporting it.
The second is 'Open Season' a much more upbeat one. Maybe I have heard this already on a soundtrack? It's a song that gets me excited for summer for some reason. This video is a lovely black and white live video.