Offline Dating
I will put my hand up honestly and say 'been there done that' to Tinder. Overall I think it's an experience everyone should have at some point, there are a lot of benefits to it. Like meeting new people, boosting your confidence, improving your dating game and maybe a little romance - if you're lucky (I mean if you're VERY lucky).
However, as interesting as it was as an experience you can't help but wonder what are the consequences of online dating becoming so normal? On the one hand more people are using it and getting out there. On the other hand, it's making social interactions in a romantic sense scarce in the real world.
This very short film (would you call it a film?) shows a young guy trying to get a date offline.
What is interesting is how he struggles at first to strike up conversations, instead he walks up and says things like "would you go for a drink with me?" which isn't insulting but perhaps a little creepy out of context.
As it progresses, we see how he gradually gets the hang of it and gets a few dates. It's almost as if he learns how to socialize in the romantic sense, outside of Tinder. Strange isn't it? I suppose awareness needs to be raised to the fact that people are becoming a little too dependent on online interactions. Perhaps this is a challenge you should try next time you're looking for a date!