
Having been interested in blogs for a very long time, arguably too long I wanted to attempt to start a blog which covered everything I am interested in. 

While there are a fantastic selection of blogs dedicated to make-up and fashion, there are equally lots of blogs dedicated to food, music and politics. However I felt there weren't enough blogs combining all of these things together, especially for young women - as I'm sure most of you will agree they are dedicated to fashion and make-up. 

I was raised on No Doubt, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Dr. Martens so it is no doubt that my views on most things are a tad more 'bohemian.' This is a space encapsulating my love of art, poetry and music, while also providing a space for politics, feminism and debate. 

Debate comments are always welcome, however hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, trans-phobia and any thing else which is nonconstructive is not welcome. 

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