
Showing posts from August, 2015

'I'm More Of A Handsome Person.'

I'm a huge fan of Style Like U and everything they are doing at the minute. Their current 'What's Underneath It Project,' I think is really extraordinary and wonderful.  Lea DeLaria from Orange Is The New Black is being interviewed in this particular episode where she talks about her personal experiences as a lesbian, gender issues, bodily issues, her career and much much more. She has such a wonderful, open and honest insight on these issues. Personally, I found it remarkable how honest she is in all of these stories, including her homophobic attack - truly inspiring. 

Today I'm Listening To: Rudimental

Rudimental have been around the block for a while and I've been a fan from the get go. I'm not sure what you would categorize Rudimental as, genre wise, but they wouldn't be my usual. When I saw the video for 'Waiting All Night' I was so inspired to see popular music with a fresh video about something a bit more real, rather than girls dancing at a club.  Their latest release 'Rumour Mill' I've been listening to non-stop and really enjoying it. Also I really love the video for this, I'm not sure if it's the simplicity or the black and white - probably both.    Rudimental feat. Anne-Marie and Will Heard - Rumour Mill

Offline Dating

I will put my hand up honestly and say 'been there done that' to Tinder. Overall I think it's an experience everyone should have at some point, there are a lot of benefits to it. Like meeting new people, boosting your confidence, improving your dating game and maybe a little romance - if you're lucky (I mean if you're VERY lucky).  However, as interesting as it was as an experience you can't help but wonder what are the consequences of online dating becoming so normal? On the one hand more people are using it and getting out there. On the other hand, it's making social interactions in a romantic sense scarce in the real world.  This very short film (would you call it a film?) shows a young guy trying to get a date offline.  What is interesting is how he struggles at first to strike up conversations, instead he walks up and says things like "would you go for a drink with me?" which isn't insulting but perhaps a little creepy o...

Experimental Eye-Liner: Bold Liquid Liner.

You can never go wrong with a classic winged liner, never! But I decided to jazz mine up a little bit. I opted for using a bold bright colour liner instead of a black. I was a tad worried blue might look strange with my blue eyes but I really love it.  The Liner.  It is surprisingly difficult to find a nice coloured liner, that isn't gel (I'm not a fan of gel liners). I found this one in Penney's (or Primark) of all places, for €1.50 - winning!  Other products I would recommend using are Soap and Glory's "Thick and Fast" mascara and Essence "Big Bright Eyes," in order to really make your eyes pop with this liner.